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Meet the Team! Lead Supervisor of Housekeeping and Laundry at The Hearth Shares His Musical Experience with Compassionate Care

June 18, 2021

Lead Supervisor of Housekeeping and Laundry at The Hearth at Drexel, Patrick Volcy, enjoys developing meaningful connections with residents and families. As he manages all operations for the housekeeping and laundry departments and drives the community’s transportation vehicles, he ensures a safe, secure, and beautiful community for residents at The Hearth.

Before working at The Hearth, Patrick lived in Manhattan, New York and served as a supervisor of facilities for Sony Music. In fact, Patrick has quite the background in musical theory as he has played classical piano for nearly 20 years. “I grew up in the Church, and I used to play classical music there on the piano every week,” he says. “I wish I had more time to practice,” he laughs. “But I play for residents at The Hearth often and they really enjoy it,” he adds.

Finding the Hearth at Drexel

After his time with Sony Music in Manhattan, New York, Patrick made his way to Philadelphia. “I have family who live in Philadelphia, but I had never been to the city before myself,” Patrick recalls. After reuniting with family members, Patrick obtained a job as a security officer. “When I was working in security, one of my coworkers mentioned The Hearth and she had amazing things to say about the community and the people who lived and worked there,” he explains.

“I have always wanted to work in some type of healthcare organization, but I thought to myself, I’ve spent my entire career in the corporate world. When I found The Hearth at Drexel and was offered the opportunity as Supervisor of Housekeeping and Laundry, I was very happy,” Patrick reflects. Patrick has been working at The Hearth for five years, and he is thrilled to work in such a warm, welcoming community.

In addition to supervising Housekeeping and Laundry, Patrick handles various maintenance requests for residents and team members. He also drives the community’s transportation. “I also serve as the driver here so I take residents wherever they need to go,” he refers. Whether Patrick is driving residents to doctor’s appointments, the grocery store, or fun community outings, he ensures they get their safely and stress-free. “Trust is a very important part of my job. The residents trust that we will keep them safe and that means a lot,” Patrick reflects.

I truly enjoy the time I spend with residents. The relationships I build with them mean so much to me. They share incredible stories and it’s rewarding to make those meaningful connections.

Lead Supervisor of Housekeeping and Laundry at The Hearth at Drexel, Patrick Volcy

As Patrick connects with residents each day at The Hearth, they never forget to ask him about his musical background. “The residents ask me to play the piano for them all the time. I really enjoy doing that for them. I like to improvise and make the music my own. I like to make classical songs even more beautiful,” he reflects. “I think our residents enjoy that,” he adds.

While Patrick develops meaningful relationships with residents, he is also grateful for his compassionate team members who go above and beyond to give residents at The Hearth the highest quality of care. “The people who work at The Hearth are amazing. We all truly care about our residents and just want to make their lives the best they can possibly be. The leadership here is remarkable and everyone is so supportive across every department,” Patrick affirms. “That’s why I was so happy to work here because it is such a caring community.”

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